Welcome to The Hindu Nursery & Primary School

उत्साहो बलवानार्य नास्त्युत्साहात्परं बलम् ।

सोत्साहस्य च लोकेषु न किञ्चिदपि दुर्लभम् ।।

A person with enthusiasm is a powerful person. There is nothing as powerful as enthusiasm. Nothing is impossible for an enthusiastic person.

As Head of the Institution, It is my responsibility to create an environment that kindles the inherent zeal in children to learn.Character, Discipline, Commitment and a Positive attitude, which are the key requirements for success, have to be inculcated and nurtured in children at a young age, as they help to channel their latent enthusiasm and creativity towards positive and result-oriented actions, leading to a successful and fulfilling life.

Primary education is the level at which teachers, in addition to imparting knowledge, can promote and nurture the creativity and other values in children.Primary education, which starts in Class-1, when the child is 5 years old, is not only about a classroom, books and a teacher (that is the bare minimum), but also an opportunity to sculpt the wholesome development of a child – physically, mentally and spiritually –and bring out the best in each of them.

Our former President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam consistently emphasized the importance of primary education; he said “India’s future depends on the quality of primary education”.

In the early stage of development, children must be moulded with excellent academic and value based teaching. It will also be one of my priorities, to make the children, at this early stage itself, to think in a socially responsible way.I believe that Learning should never be a burden to budding children.

I envision The Hindu Nursery & Primary School as an Institution of Excellence,that combines traditional Indian educational values with modern scientific spirit and methods, to give our children a learning environment where they have the freedom to give full expression to their innate talents and skills while fully enjoying their learning and growing-up process.

Parents and teachers have an integral role in the early development of a child. They have to create an environment, both at home and school, that is conducive to nourish the inherent learning spirit in children. Parents and teachers have the responsibility to help build the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence and promote initiative, because without these, mere knowledge and intelligence would only make the child diffident.

In the age of the digital world, we can use technology beneficially, not only to help teachers enjoy their teaching experience, but more importantly, enhance the child’s learning experience.

The mission of The Hindu Nursery & Primary School is to develop in children, self-confidence, problem solving skills, respect for India’s culture and heritage, patriotism and an awareness and appreciation of India’s ancient knowledge systems. I thank the Hindu Educational Organization for providing a very good platform to achieve this mission.